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How can I Permanently fix my TMJ?

Dec 26, 2022
how to cure tmj permanently

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the lower jawbone to the rest of your face. This joint is responsible for various movements of the jawbone, such as when laughing, smiling, chewing, and talking. Normally, these functions are easily performed daily without much thought. However, in people with temporomandibular joint dysfunction, these jaw movements may result in a lot of pain. 

The TMJ is the site of attachment for the muscles and ligaments responsible for moving the mouth. A TMJ disorder (TMD) may occur due to displacement, injury, or damage. Arthritis, injury, dislocation, and infection of the TMJ are some examples of TMJ disorders. Patients with TMJ disorder may present with neck pain, headaches, and ringing in the ears. 

Fortunately, this is a treatable problem. With the right care, it is possible to fix the TMJ permanently. However, you must first quit any habits of clenching or grinding your teeth and anything else that exerts pressure on the joint. Additionally, you need to start eating soft foods to prevent your teeth from exerting too much pressure when you bite down on something, as it can negatively affect your TMJ.

Discussed below are some treatment options to permanently fix your TMJ.

TMJ Disorder Treatment Options

  • Custom-made splints: Your TMJ treatment dentist can have splints designed especially for you. These custom-made splints can be worn over either your upper or lower teeth. Your custom-made splints are designed to stop you from grinding or clenching your teeth as they function as cushions between your teeth. This allows your temporomandibular joint enough rest and aids in its quick recovery. Do not stop using your splints immediately after the pain goes away. Use it for another two to three days to aid the joint's recovery. It is also advisable to eat a soft diet for a few more days before returning to your regular habits, as it helps reduce stress on the healed joint.

  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy utilizes various exercises for TMJ disorder treatment. Particularly helpful exercises include chin tucks, tongue lifts, forward jaw movements, and resisted shutting. In addition, acupuncture and other types of massage can be beneficial in temporomandibular joint dysfunction treatments. You must speak with a physiotherapist before attempting any of the exercises indicated. Remember that if you perform them incorrectly, the situation will only worsen, which is why you require supervision from an expert.

  • Surgery: Surgical treatment for temporomandibular joint dysfunction is usually performed only as a last resort. The TMJ surgery is called an arthroscopy. During this surgery, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in West Hollywood will correctly reposition the joint and carry out any other actions that would solve any underlying internal issues with the joint.

  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation: This procedure utilizes low-voltage electric shocks to treat the pain from temporomandibular joint dysfunction. These low-voltage shocks are passed through the nerves in the inflamed area to relieve pain. 

How to Cure TMJ Permanently?

How can I fix my TMJ without surgery or how to cure tmj permanently? In minor cases, it may be possible to manage the pain and other symptoms of a temporomandibular joint dysfunction without surgery. Discussed below are some ways to manage TMJ symptoms.

  • Keep your jaw muscles relaxed: Reduce wide jaw motions like yelling or singing. Try to ensure to the best of your ability that your jaw muscles remain as relaxed as possible.

  • Maintain a correct posture: Sitting in an uncomfortable position can worsen your jaw pain. Select a chair with adequate back support and take regular breaks to enhance your posture while working. When driving, adjust your seat to be as upright as possible. Also, when engaging in leisure activities like reading or watching TV, select a location that enables you to sit upright.

  • Apply a hot or cold compress: A hot compress can help to relax your jaw muscles. It also increases blood flow which can help aid the healing process. A cold compress helps to minimize pain and swelling in an inflamed area. When applying a compress, put a thin layer between your skin and the compress and apply it for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

  • Sleep well: It is advisable to sleep on your back with your neck supported by cushions to help reduce TMJ pain. Do not put your hand on your jaw if sleeping on your side. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach.

  • Be aware of and stop bad habits: Various habits can cause temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Habits like biting your nails, clenching and grinding your teeth, resting your jaw in your hand, and clenching your jaw muscles, among others, should be stopped as they can cause TMJ pain. Make a note of your everyday routines and write them down for your doctor to review. Remember how frequently you perform them.

  • Lifestyle changes: Making changes to your lifestyle can help to reduce the symptoms of TMJ. Avoid chewing gum, eating hard or crunchy foods, and clenching or grinding your teeth.

  • Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help to reduce pain and inflammation. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory medications.

  • Avoid certain activities: You should try as much as possible to avoid activities that cause wide jaw movements. Some such activities include yelling, chewing gum, and yawning.

  •  Surgery: In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to treat TMJ. This is typically only recommended when other treatments have failed to provide relief.

TMJ disorders cause pain and can negatively affect the quality of life. Fortunately, various temporomandibular joint dysfunction treatment options are available to help manage the pain and symptoms of TMJ disorders. You can discuss your symptoms with a dentist in your area. Simply look up “dentist near me” to find qualified dentists.

Learn More About TMJ Cure at Sunset Oral Surgery

When it comes to TMJ problems, professionals must first understand the underlying cause before moving forward with a solution. It enables them to provide the patient with effective relief and appropriate treatment. Our TMJ Dentist will analyze the problem at our location. They will take every precaution to diagnose the problem. They will begin appropriate treatment after determining the root cause. We are among the trustworthy TMJ dentist near me in West Hollywood, CA. We are experienced and have the capabilities to deal with any or every dental problem. Get in touch with Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery today or call us at (310) 275-3635 to learn more about TMJ disorders and to speak with an oral & maxillofacial surgeon in West Hollywood.

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