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The following websites are provided as a resource for our referring doctors. This page contains hyperlinks to World Wide Web sites that are created and maintained by other organizations. We have included these links because we think that our referring doctors may find them of interest. Keep in mind that (practice) does not necessarily endorse the views expressed on these websites. Also, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information presented on these sites.

Dental Links

Research and Library Links

  • Cambridge University Medical Library
  • Medical Library University of Manchester
  • MedicineNet – Content-rich commercial site includes interactive groups, ask-the-doctor feature, medical dictionary, comprehensive drug information, medical news, disease-specific information, and links.
  • Medscape – Searchable commercial collection of full-text articles from such useful sources as the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Oncolink – Huge collection of cancer information and links based at the University of Pennsylvania. The best starting place found for cancer information.
  • Medical Matrix – Physician maintained commercial database of annotated health links. Oriented toward medical professionals, but accessible to an educated lay person. A keyword search gets you to a subject index, from which you navigate to the links you want.


Professional Associations

Implant Manufacturer Links

General Interest

Search Engines

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Patient Testimonials

Dr. Salehani is professional and has great bedside manner. He thoroughly takes time before the procedure, to explain what’s going on and what will happen.
Bill S.
This is the doctor you want to do your surgery. He’s simply one of the smartest people I’ve ever known; thoughtful and careful.
Marty M.
Amazing friendly staff. Nice clean office. Super attentive. I got three wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, no pain what so ever afterward.
Alex G.

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9201 Sunset Blvd Suite 502
West Hollywood, CA 90069

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Mon, Tue 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wed 9:00am - 3:00pm
Thur, Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat, Sun Closed